Lusta szurikáta élvezi a napsütést a debreceni Nagyerdei Kultúrparkban. Az október végi napsütés még elég meleg volt. hogy élvezzék a nap erejét, nem is maradt a legtöbb állat a sötétben, így aztán a kisállatok édesek és viccesek voltak - a látogatók nagy örömére. Az előző állatkerti bejegyzés itt található.
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Lazy meerkat enjoys the sunshine in the Debrecen Zoo. The sunshine in the end of October was enough warm to enjoy the power of the sun. The most of the animals in the zoo didn't stand in the darkness that's why they were sweet and funny as they had being rest - and the visitors were very lucky. You can read the last entry from this zoo here.
Lazy meerkat enjoys the sunshine in the Debrecen Zoo. The sunshine in the end of October was enough warm to enjoy the power of the sun. The most of the animals in the zoo didn't stand in the darkness that's why they were sweet and funny as they had being rest - and the visitors were very lucky. You can read the last entry from this zoo here.